How To Winterize Pipes Before They Freeze

3 Before It Freezes Tips

frozen pipe burst - Paschall Plumbing Heating Cooling

Are your pipes prepped for winter? Did you know that ruptured pipes and the subsequent water damage to the home are one of the most common causes of expensive property damage? 

Winterizing pipes now before freezes come helps insure your home and family are safely warm and dry.

3 Before It Freezes Tips:

  1. Wrap, wrap, wrap! Every exposed pipe needs electrical heating/thermal wrapping tape. Depending on pipe exposure to wind and the elements, freezing can occur long before it gets as low as 20 degrees; don’t wait. In interior spaces, even if a heated space, pipes that are near cracks or openings that let in cold air may develop ice blockages. Your local home improvement store offers pipe-wrapping tape and helpful tips for maximum benefit.
  2. And wrap the outside faucets. Local hardware stores have supplies or use old towels or t-shirts and duct tape/ Leaving room to open the faucet for a slow drip-drip during the forecasted freeze.
  3. Seal cracks and crawl spaces everywhere. 
  4. Irrigation systems are often overlooked when prepping for freezes. Your local water supply company often has tips on how to winterize irrigation systems. Online DIY videos are helpful, also. Call us if you’d like more specific tips.
  5. Get severe weather alert push notifications on your smartphone***. After you’ve done the preventive winterizing measures, this is hands-down our best follow-up tip for preventing burst pipes. We all get so busy, right? Programming your smartphone for severe weather alert notifications means you’ll get ahead of any kind of severe weather headed your way. Consult the Settings Menu on your phone to see what emergency notifications are already embedded into your phone service. However, there are some terrific weather alert apps available. Check your phone for the one most compatible to your device. 

***Weather Alerts: Did you know here in Washoe county, we have access to local and national emergency alert notifications? This includes severe weather alerts: ; scroll down to “Severe Weather” for instructions. If you’re in a different county, a simple web search will connect you to your county’s specific emergency alerts system. 

3 Tips for When Freeze is Forecasted:

  1. Start the outside faucet on a slow drip-drip-dripping. 
  2. Double check that all electrical/thermal insulation tapes are working.
  3. Open the under-sink cabinet doors and start a slow drip in faucets in the kitchen and all bathrooms that have exterior wall piping. Opening the cabinet doors lets warmer room air have access to the pipes; the drip can be extra insurance against water freezing in the pipe.
  4. But close garage doors during a freeze if water lines are exposed inside the garage.
  5. Keep your thermostat no lower than 55 degrees if you’re going to be away from the house. This also helps to insure against the interior pipes freezing.

From our Paschall Plumbing Heating and Cooling Family to yours: May your Winter be White – and your Pipes be Warm! 

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